Welcome to the Town of Granville, NY
Starting 7/19/2024, The Town Clerk's office will be closed on Friday's until further notice, however the Assessor's office will remain open with normal hours.
Public Notices
Town Board - 2nd Thursday of each month, 7:00pm
Planning Board - 4th Thursday of each month Town court - Monday evenings The Town of Granville is located in the Metowee River Valley of Washington County, NY on the Vermont border situated between the Adirondack Mountains of NY and the Green Mountains of Vermont. It features country landscapes, rolling hills, mountains and crystal clear lakes which makes it one of the most scenic and attractive small towns in New York State. Agriculture, light manufacturing and the Slate Industry form it's economic base and employment for it's 6600 residents. All these characteristics make Granville a great place to live, work, recreate and visit.